
The Contraception Project (since 2023)

In this project we analyse contraceptual behavior and contraceptual decisions from a sociological perspective. We argue that contraceptual responsibility – mostly carried out by women – should be understood as a form of unpaid labor, adding to other unpaid responsibilities like housework and childcare predominantly performed by women. Contraceptive behavior is therefore a highly relevant study object for social inequality research. Our project aims at establishing contraceptive responsibility as a dimension of social inequality and at showing how it is related to other dimension of social inequality.

Project Website

The Effect of Parental Wealth on Educational Decisions (2018-2022)

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Principal Investigators: Nora Müller and Klaus Pforr

For more information see here.

Household Wealth Inequality in International Comparison (2010-2013)

Funded by the German-Israeli Foundation (GIF). Principal Investigators: Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Moshe Semyonov and Noah Lewin-Epstein

For more information see here.