
Articles in peer-reviewed and indexed journals

  • Alexandra Wicht, Nora Müller, and Reinhard Pollak. 2024. ‘Gendered Wage Returns to Changes in Non-routine Job Tasks: Evidence from Germany’ Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 100963.

  • Jascha Dräger, Klaus Pforr, and Nora Müller. 2023. ‘Why Net Worth Misrepresents Wealth Effects and What to Do About It’ Sociological Science 10 534-558. [Open access]

  • Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Jascha Dräger. 2023. ‘Wealth stratification and the insurance function of wealth’ (Editorial) Social inclusion 11 (1): 128-134. [Open access]

  • Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2021. ‘Double Burden? Implications of indebtedness to general life satisfaction following negative life events in international comparison’ Journal of European Social Policy 31 (5): 614–628. [Open access]

The above paper is part of a Special Issue on ‘Social Policy and Wealth’ edited by Ive Marx and Brian Nolan.

  • Müller, Nora, Nico Stawarz, and Alexandra Wicht. 2021. ‘Who experiences subjective job insecurity due to digital transformation in Germany?’ Soziale Welt 72 (4): 614–628. [Restricted access] Download accepted version Replication files

  • Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2020. ‘The non-linear relationship between parental wealth and children’s post-secondary transitions in Germany’ Soziale Welt 71 (3): 268-307. [Restricted access] Download accepted version Replication files

  • Dräger, Jascha, and Nora Müller. 2020. ‘Wealth stratification in the early school career in Germany’ Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 67 100483.

  • Müller, Nora, and Jascha Dräger. 2019. ‘Economic roles and marriage timing: A cohort comparison between women and men in East and West Germany’ Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 10 (3): 347-374.

  • Wicht, Alexandra, Nora Müller, Simone Haasler, and Alexandra Nonnenmacher. 2019. “The interplay between education, skills and job quality” Social Inclusion 7 (3): 347-374.

  • Skopek, Nora, Sandra Buchholz, and Hans-Peter Blossfeld. 2014. ‘National patterns of income and wealth inequality’ International Journal of Comparative Sociology 55 (6): 463-488.

  • Kolb, Kathrin, Nora Skopek, Sandra Buchholz, and Hans-Peter Blossfeld. 2013. ‘The two dimensions of housing inequality in Europe: Are high home ownership rates an indicator for low housing values?’ Comparative Population Studies 38 (4): 1009-1040.

  • Skopek, Nora, Kathrin Kolb, Sandra Buchholz, and Hans-Peter Blossfeld. 2013. ‘Einkommensreich – vermögensarm? Die Zusammensetzung von Vermögen und die Bedeutung einzelner Vermögenskomponenten im europäischen Vergleich’ [Income-rich—asset-poor? The composition of wealth and the meaning of different wealth components in a European comparison] Berliner Journal für Soziologie 22 (2): 163-187. [An English version is included as ‘Chapter 03’ in my dissertation]

Working papers and preprints

  • Wicht, Alexandra, Nora Müller, Reinhard Pollak, and Silke Anger. 2023. ‘Gendered wage effects of changes in job tasks: Evidence from Germany.’ SocArXiv.

  • Bles, Per, Nora Müller, and Lynn-Malou Lutz. 2023. ‘Do country-level characteristics affect adults’ level of ICT skills? A European comparison with a two-component measure of ICT skills.’ SocArXiv.

  • Pietrolucci, Andrea, Jascha Dräger, Nora Müller, and Marco Albertini. 2023. ‘Wealth gaps in post-secondary enrolment in Europe? A comparison across European countries and wealth components.’ SocArXiv.

  • Bles, Per, Ineke Bijlsma, Marie-Christine Fregin, Tomas Korpi, Mark Levels, Lynn-Malou Lutz, Nora Müller, Giampiero Passaretta, Reinhard Pollak, Rolf Van der Velden, Heike Solga, and Raymond Montizaan. 2021. ‘Preparing today’s youths for tomorrow’s labour market: Analysis of the relationship between initial education and skills acquisition accross countries and over time.’ Technequality Working Paper Series 2021/8. Link

  • Dräger, Jascha, Klaus Pforr, and Nora Müller. 2021. ‘Wealth 2D – An alternative approach to explore wealth effects.’ SocArXiv.

  • Müller, Nora, Klaus Pforr, and Oshrat Hochman. 2017. ‘The Effect of Parental Wealth on Children’s Educational Decisions in Germany: Compensation or Demotivation?’ SocArXiv.

Articles in edited volumes

  • Hochman, Oshrat, Nora Müller, and Klaus Pforr. 2019. Debts, negative life events and subjective well-being: disentangling relationships, In Wealth(s) and subjective well-being, edited by Gäel Brulé, and Christian Suter, Social Indicators Research Series 76, 377-399. Cham: Springer.

  • Skopek, Nora. 2016. Sozialwissenschaftliche Methodenausbildung für Postgraduierte im deutschen und internationalen Kontext, In Human Resources: Qualitätsaspekte der Ausbildung in der empirischen Forschung, edited by Christian König, Matthias Stahl, and Erich Wiegand, Schriftenreihe der ASI - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute, 153-166. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

  • Skopek, Nora. 2014. Vermögen in Europa, In Reichtum, Philanthropie und Zivilgesellschaft, edited by Wolfgang Lauterbach, Michael Hartmann, and Miriam Ströing, 47–76. Wiesbaden: Springer. url


  • Skopek, Nora. 2015. Wealth as a distinct dimension of social inequality. Bamberger Beiträge zur Soziologie 14. Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press url

This is my dissertation thesis. It includes […].

  • Müller, Nora. 2010. Erwerbseintritt und “Timing” der Ehe: eine längsschnittliche Untersuchung der Bedeutung des Erwerbseintritts von Frauen für den Zeitpunkt der ersten Eheschließung. Diplomarbeit. Bamberg: Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg. url

This is my master thesis. It includes […]. An updated and shortened version of it has been published as: * Müller, Nora, and Jascha Dräger. 2019. ‘Economic roles and marriage timing: A cohort comparison between women and men in East and West Germany’ Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 10 (3): 347-374.